2 Yellow Bricks | Video/Action for Violet (backdated to yesterday)

Oct 02, 2011 13:31

I’ve arrived in Violet City. It’s a little overwhelming, honestly. It’s so big! [She grew up on a farm in Kansas. Pretty much any city is overwhelming.] I don’t even know were to start, there are so many places to choose from.

I caught a new Pokémon, Maybelle. [She’s holding the Hoppip close to her.] Isn’t she darling?

[A little while later]

[Dorothy looks overwhelmed and is holding an egg.] When I went to the PokéMart, they gave me this. It had a note, but it just says heart Kanra. I don’t know a Kanra. And I don’t know how to take care of an egg.

…Do you think I can just return it?

@ violet

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