No starving or throwing up for me .. thank you very much

Jul 23, 2004 07:45

ok so now that I have a minute
(before I go to work)...

I can tell you my story
about the interview with
the agency on monday night

first and foremost I'd like to
thank ...
Forever 21
& mi mama

cause if it weren't for those
things I wouldn't have been able
to put together a cute outfit
sike just play'n

So we go to the office I sign
in ... and the lady gives me
a commercial skit type thing
that I have to read when I go
and meet the agent.

The damn thing was about milk ...?
and it had about 10 grammar errors
but I wasn't about to say anything
cause I wanted a job.

Also I'm sitting waiting .. and I'm
burning up. It was so hot , now
granted I did have a sweater on
but it was a cute summer time one
but I looked like a damn fool
cause the A/C just happened to have
broke that day so it was like 80 degrees
in the building and I'm sitting there
with a damn sweater on...

Finally I meet with the agent.
And he goes over how he'll be scoring
me .. something like 3 your ok but you
need classes 4 you can be a model
5 PERFECT you can model and do commercials

So I read the commercial ... I made ONE eff'n
mistake. And the guy looks @ me and says ...
I gave you a 5 - .. umm I wasn't too quick in
math and I thought he was bust'n some algebra
bullshit and gave me a negative 5
bahahaha I'm slow ... Anyways he said
I read very well alot of enthusiasm, loud,
clear, and he said he liked my style the way
I dressed ... how I put myself together ?

than ... He said he would like to offer me
a one year modeling contract with the agency

After he says some things that I noticed out of
everything ... FIGURE is there something
you would like to change about your figure ?

I looked @ him like "excuse me come again" I felt
I should have told him "hell no I wouldn't like to
change anything about my figure , however would you
like to change something about your teeth sir?"

Then he asks me " are you like most teens who
eat bad , do you think you could eat a little better?"
As he's talking he notices my dad's personal training
shirt that says fitness professional , he says
well I see now that you have no excuse to tone up.

I nearly passed out on the floor. Now I know I could
drop a few pounds but geez he was making it seem
like I was "king kong status" or some shit.

hahaha this was the icing on the cake he starts
asking my pants size he asks " are you a 1 ,
2 , or 3/4... hahaha D none of the above
I'm black fool it's in my genes to be big boned ...
I'm a like a 7/8 on a good day and sometimes
by the GRACE of god I can fit into a
5/6 but a 3/4 your asking for trouble.

So I didn't let his little "weight talk"
bother me I took everything into consideration
and this afternoon I'm meeting with a nutritionist
cause I'm going to do it the natural healthy way
One I can't possibly starve myself , food is just
so damn good , and I get really bad hunger pains
when I don't eat every 2 hours , and even if I
were to lose all this weight cause I stopped eating
the second I start to eat again I'll gain it all back
remember that the next time you try to skip a meal
to lose weight ...
Second I'm not about to throw up, thats a damn waste
of money , and vomit messes up your teeth and causes
you to have stank ass breath.

But anyways time to go to work
I'm so tired. no more staying out

peace. <3
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