1. Name: Politally Incorrect Day
2. Colors: Black, Pink, Green
3. Mascot: George W. Bush
4. Explination: To celebrate Politically Incorrect day, you must shout out politally incorrect phrases all through out the day.
5. Explination: All month long, we are forced to say "Happy Holidays" because of how many religions there are. I personally say Merry Christmas, because that is what I celebrate. Go ahead, correct me, I really don't care if I offend you because I said Merry Christmas and you didn't bother to correct me by telling me you're Jewish/Muslim/Hindi/Buddhist/Johnny Depp Religion.
6. Family Values: You will be able to learn all the politically incorrect phrases, so you know what to avoid during all the other days of the year. Don't forget some of the important ones:
a. brainstorm
b. Scum
c. "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" (Christmas, sorry, holiday song.)
d. Merry Christmas.
e. Christmas in General
f. Waitor/Waitress (use server)
g. "To boldly go where no man has gone before" (Star Trek line)
h. "Man does not live by bread alone" (Quote from the bible)
i. Steward/Stewardess
j. Miss or Mrs. Use Ms.
k. "I now pronounce you man and wife"
Just a few for you
7. When celebrated: Sometime during the week after Christmas