Twenty-Seventh Shot // Video

Mar 11, 2011 15:19

Looks like the scientists actually took a request seriously. I'm pretty set on ammo, so long as a reason to use it doesn't present itself. Knowing my luck it won't be long until I use it...

Speaking of our recent rash of gifts...Our scientists have a damn good taste in whiskey. [She looks a little amused on that note.Nate, if you're still holding ( Read more... )

gifts?, supplies!, a girl needs a drink, noise noise noise, h-aha this might be trouble, first aid sprays only go so far, when the partner is away..., wow scientists can be kind of nice

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assworthsaving March 12 2011, 00:03:09 UTC
[Oho~ ping'd by the lovely lady and some liquor. This guy doesn't back down on his plans and after the extreme awkwardness caused by, well, whatever the shit happened, he really needs that drink. And a change of scenery. :|b ]

Well now I'm not the kind to disappoint a lady intent on sharing a drink with me. See you in...[Welp. She lives right next door, so...] two seconds?

[Yeah he's already changing his shirt, since the scientists gave him clothes and all, and heading out the door.]


click_reload March 12 2011, 03:11:38 UTC
[So eager Nate, not that she minds. After half the shit that's gone down here lately, she could use that drink and some good company.]

Two seconds? [She laughs--it's been awhile since she's done that, go figure.] The door's open, feel free to just walk in when you head over.


assworthsaving March 12 2011, 03:26:49 UTC
[Oh good, that sounds like a good start to two people needing drinks.

And Drake is approaching the door...pausing. Hesitant, maybe? Or just not wanting to appear quite so eager? He would have stopped to wonder if this was a good idea or not, but didn't see much reason to dwell on it. He clears his head and opens the door.]

Jill? [Pokes his head in then walks inside, closing the door behind him.] Hope I didn't make you wait too long. [And don't mind him he's just looking around.]


click_reload March 12 2011, 03:40:27 UTC
[We'll just call it lucky that she's earned sets of clothes from the scientists in the past. As fun as it would be to see Drake deal with that body suit.

She pokes her head into the main room from the kitchen a few moments after he enters.]

That might have been longer than two seconds you know. [She's teasing, a slight grin crossing her lips before she turns back to the kitchen.] I'm set up in the kitchen right now. I even managed to find us some glasses to use.


assworthsaving March 12 2011, 04:04:54 UTC
[Eye contact. He flashes this kind of smirk when he sees her... And first place his eyes fall when she walks past him? Yeah. Don't hate the guy for stealing a glimpse at that backside. Now he's just grinning to himself before tearing his eyes away and following her.]

Oh? My apologies for being late. I could make it up to you; stay a bit later. [He teases her, smiling and then turns to lean against the counter looking out at the room.]

So who's your decorator?


click_reload March 12 2011, 04:26:24 UTC
[If she would have caught you looking Drake--there would have likely been words, and no alcohol if she had. Good thing she hadn't, that would have ruined all the fun.]

I wouldn't mind having the company. [Why yes, that was an invitation to stay later. She takes up the bottle of whiskey and the two glasses from the table before joining him in leaning against the counter.]

Dunno about the decorating. Whoever did it has a way with...rustic charm. [If peeling wall paper and slightly rusted pipes was considered charm anyway. But she allows herself a laugh as she pours a glass for the both of them.]


assworthsaving March 12 2011, 04:48:39 UTC
[Good thing he was a ninja with that sort of thing, then. Not that he meant any harm with sneaking a peak, but if he could avoid a black eye then that would be great.

...And at that confusing invitation Drake raises an eyebrow as he takes the glass from her. Huh. Mixed signals much? He won't comment on it, not wanting to look eager, but he'll keep it in mind. He glances back out into the room.]

Rustic charm? I think they were going for a feel. Note the crumbling walls and the overall dismal appearance. [He was about to take a swig when he looked down into his glass.] ...Sure those scientists didn't poison this?


click_reload March 13 2011, 06:03:50 UTC
[There would have been words, not punches. Don't worry that pretty face of yours is perfectly safe.

...Well Jill is a woman of contradictions. She doesn't like to be completely clear about anything that may put her (or her feelings) on the line. Just take the invitation for what it might be Drake, because she won't be much clearer about her intentions.]

Oh you have an eye for this kind of thing don't you? I think they definitely made a nice touch with the rotting floor boards don't you? [This conversation was utterly ridiculous, but she was enjoying it. Without a second thought she took a swig from her won glass and gave a slight shrug.] Nothing else in this city has been poisoned...the food stores are fine, and they restock those. Feel free to wait and see if I keel over first though...


assworthsaving March 13 2011, 06:31:41 UTC
[Words could hurt just as much as punches, Jill. Either one was a bruise to the ego. That aside, confusing or not, he was finding himself more intrigued by her.]

One might say I have a penchant for similar decor. [A small grin, not that what he was referring to were any fond memories, jail was hardly anything to be fond of, but her smile was just a bit contagious.] Oh no, I won't let you keel over alone. Besides...there wasn't anything wrong with the clothes I got. I'm still standing...for now. [And with that he downs a bit of the liquid, enjoying the burning sensation it gave. It was going to be a long night.]

So...tell me about this dickweed captain of yours.


click_reload March 13 2011, 06:56:29 UTC
[ She'll try her best not bruise that of yours either then. After all, you're quickly earning her favor and her interest.]

A penchant for this? [Now that caught her curiosity. Not many places would lead to a penchant for this kind of decor anyway.] Good to know that I'm not in this alone. [And there's another long drink. His next question called for a good drink.]

My captain...He lead our unit on the force. He basically brought the whole damn team to slaughter several years ago. I was one of the few survivors...


assworthsaving March 13 2011, 07:30:31 UTC
[Boy would he be happy to hear that. For now he'll have to settle on her confusing signals.]

Kidding, of course. I've just ended up in some similar places against my will. [He wondered if it would be wise to admit he had ended up in jail a couple of times.] Heh, I got your back. Don't, uh, know how useful I'll be if I'm on the floor with you, though. It's the thought that counts, right?

[Drake's currently going through his first glass quite quickly as well. The next thing she says leaves him speechless for a moment though.]

Shit... [That he was not expecting. He frowns and shakes his head-- what to say?] I'm sorry you went through that. [Noticing she didn't have much left in her glass, and given the seriousness of what she just confessed, Drake reaches for the bottle and shakes it at her; silently asking if he should pour her more.]

Please tell me that bastard got what he deserves.


click_reload March 16 2011, 21:47:21 UTC
I'd have to wonder if you willingly settled for a set up like this. [Really, who would choose all of this?] Good to know someone has my back--even if we'll both be equally useless if we end up on the floor.

[She sighs a bit and hold up her glass to him, indicating that she definitely wanted and needed more.] From what I've heard the bastard got that and then some. Going down in a volcano seems appropriate after the bullshit he pulled over the years.

[Why hello Drake, it's interesting history time!]


assworthsaving March 16 2011, 22:07:47 UTC
Willingly? No. I have better vacation spots in mind and 'Post-Apocalyptic Shithole' was not one of them. [Discedo sucked, but the company hasn't been half bad. Really, it could be worse. Right? He wouldn't dare ask that out loud, though. But he offered a sly smile to his next response.] Can't say that would be too bad of a scenario, though, and I can manage enough to not make it entirely useless.

Seriously? [That's directed at her response. As for the alcohol, here, have some more, Jill. A lot more. And he pours another glass for himself since he just finished his off.] Seems a bit extreme yet...fitting. Dare I ask how the hell he ended up in a volcano of all places?


click_reload March 16 2011, 22:17:38 UTC
'Post-Apocalyptic Shithole' seems to be my only option half the time. Discedo isn't the first one I've landed myself in. [Hey, at least Discedo was zombie free and offered some damn good company.] We'll see how far you get with that if that scenario comes around.

You can't make that shit up. [She makes her response before taking a sip from her once again full glass. The drink was starting to settle in, a nice warm buzz taking over.] His plane crashed right into it apparently... The one time luck was on our side.


assworthsaving March 16 2011, 22:32:38 UTC
You've...been to another alien planet? [He misses that completely and it causes him to take one hell of a swig of whiskey. One alien planet was more than enough for him. But, hey, considering that scenario, Jill? He hopes that's not a threat at least.] Is that a challenge? [Smile~]

[Laughs and shakes his head.] No, no I guess you can't. That is some amazing luck you have; would you be willing to part with some? Mine's shit. [Light buzz is light, but he's holding his alcohol pretty well. Fuck you, Flynn.]


click_reload March 16 2011, 22:38:13 UTC
No. [She manages to say that through a laugh.] Another post-apocalyptic shithole--not another alien planet. [Oh Drake, you amuse her so. And that question of yours just has her looking at you over the rim of her glass as she takes another drink.] Challenge? Maybe. Tkae it how you want to.

[She shakes her head.] I don't think you want my luck though. It ends well enough once in awhile, but it's shit otherwise.


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