Sixteenth Shot // Video;

Sep 19, 2010 05:50

[Jill looks unusually worried when the feed kicks on, and it looks like she hasn't been resting well.]

I have to be missing it, his signal can't just be gone like that. They wouldn't send him back right after that infection...but I can't put it past them.

[She sighs, and it seems like she's scanning the network again.]

Not there but--Listen, has anyone seen Chris? Chris Redfield. If you haven't met him, he's about six feet give or take an inch, brown hair, built like a tank...

I really hope I'm just missing his signal...

((OOC: When one partner leaves for a canon update, the other will fret! LMAO It's bad when Discedo is safer than your home world))

chris?!, partner signal, chriiiis!, it's like the batsignal but better, partners

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