Jun 12, 2005 06:52
so today I am feeling sick to my stomache. I slept in the same room as charlotte last night because I was babysitting and knowing she was there sleeping kept me up all night. I got about one hour total sleep and then I had to come into work at 6 am. If you haven't already heard jamie decided to tell me on my birthday at my grandmother's house that we needed a break or something like that. It has only been one full day and I already feel like it is more than that and from what I have heard I am assuming things will not go back to the way they were. It's a shitty feeling that you get even though you know it was something that was needed. I have not been alone in a year and 1/2 and it's only been a day and I feel more alone. Personally I think it would be easier for me to just delete all of it but obviously I can't do that. It's awesome the things he did on my birthday and how fast he can seem to forget shit.... I am sure it was a fake cry as well.
p.s. tell her i said she has an awesome name and some big fucking shoes to fill.