Feb 06, 2001 00:00
NOTE: This is a work of fiction, only in that many cases the author could not remember the exact words said by certain people, and exact descriptions of certain things, so had to fill in the gaps as best he could. Otherwise, all character and incidents and dialogue are real, are not products of the author's imagination, because at the time of this writing, the author had no imagination whatsoever for those sorts of things, and could not conceive of making up a story or characters -- it felt like driving a car in a clown suit-- especially when there was so much to say about his own, true, sorry and inspirational story, the actual people he has known, and of course the many twists and turns of his own thrilling and complex mind. Any resemblance to persons living or dead should be plainly apparent to them and those who know them, especially if the author has been kind enough to provide their real names and, in some cases, their phone numbers. All events described herein actually happened, though on occasion the author has taken certain, very small, liberties with chronology, because that is his right as an American...
...All entries may be skipped, or read without attention to order. They are here for you, for your fun-having and to be enjoyed at your convenience.
--Dave Eggers