Mar 26, 2008 23:50
I’m bored of this post-rock instrumental*
Who wants to play a game of Clue?
Let’s see who’s ruining music.
Was it the hipster in the dining room with the issue of vice magazine?
Was it the major label executive in the study with his shitty record deals?
Was it the scenester on the message board talking shit for no reason?
Whatever the case may be our scene’s community
Turned into just another free market
And I’m tried of slapped by the invisible hand
Since I didn’t leap to the next trend first.
Maybe I’m just pissed that I came here peddling sincerity
While all you fucks just wanted irony.
It’s a shame nobody’s into fair trade anymore.
It makes me want to sell out
But we can’t, our band’s not a gold mine
we’re not all that pretty
And can’t be bothered to think in 4/4 time.
Lacking the major label option,
It’s time to stop whining and take action
But first some words of caution:
If punk is dead, then you trendy fucks killed it
If punk is dead then I’m a zombie
Ready to rip you limb from limb
A scene ripped straight from Romero
Sorry, your carefully carelessly disheveled haircut won’t save you now.
*the beginning of this song is all post-rocky before turning into chaotic post-hardcore