Oct 28, 2004 19:03
1. Starting Time: 7:04
2. Your Full Name: Emily Jane Perry.
3. Nick names:Emma,Emmy,E.J.,M.J., little perry.
4. Bestfriend (s): MEGAN, Dustin, Angie, Amanda, Tommy.
5. Fav color: black,Green, purple
6. Funniest Friend: megan fo sho
7. Smartest Friend: Amanda
8. Dumbest Friend: umm.. do i have to anwser this?
9. Most Athletic Friend: Amanda
10. Loudest friend: Megan.
11. Shyest Friend: amanda
12. Who do u get advice from: Angie
x.x On Yourself x.x
13. Color hair: Black with a little brown in it.
14. Eye color: Blue
15. Height: 5"
16. Birthday: Feb 16th
17. Sign: Aquirious or however you spell it.
18. Righty / Lefty: Righty
19. Eye color: didnt i just anwser this?
20. Shoe Size: 8
21. Favorite shoe brand: Emerica, All stay converse
22. Do u Crack any Body Parts: neck, knuckles, back, toes, ankles,elbows,wrists,knee
23. Have you ever broken a bone: nope luckly.
24. Siblings n agez: Michael-19 or 20 ( never met him):[ Katie-18 Steven-16 Travis-10 Andrew-9
25. Email: Swimchick118@hotmail.com... yeah shut up ive had it sence like 5th grade.
26. Screen Name: Sunsets in xjune
27. Boy Friend/ Girl friend? nope :[
28. You like anyone? I think?
29. Does anyone like you? Yeah
x.x Have u Ever x.x
30. What's the most u would do with a guy/gurl: hmm...
31. Got In a Fight: yes.
32. Liked a Teacher: thought one was hott but thats about it.
33. Killed Someone: no hahahaha
34. Laughed So Hard You Peed Your Pants?: hahaha yes like um how many times? megan would know.
35. Ever ate a tub of ice cream in one day?: no.
36. Ran Into a Glass Door: yea lol
37. Kicked The Wall and broke Every Toe in that Foot: no wtf
38. Been in Love: Yes.
39. Ate Dirt: No.
40. Gone Skinny Dipping: yes i was like 10
41. Had Sex: ....
42. Asked out some 1: yea that was so elementary school though ;]
43. Gotten hit by a car: while in a car yes.
x.x Ladies Fill Out on dudes x.x
42. Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
43. Tall or Short: taller than me but theres just about no guy shorter so he cant be TOO tall.
44. Long Hair or Short: mm long.. deff. long but now longer than mine ew.
45. Dark or Light Eyes: which ever.
46. Six Pac or Muscular arms: i dont really like muscles
47. Body or Personality: personality
48. Ear pierced or not: only if there gaged (sp?)
50. Good Guy/ Bad Guy: Good guy but not to good.
51. Light Hair/ Dark Hair: Dark
52. Hat/No Hat: Beanie works.
53. Tan or no Tan?: tan on mexicans is hott:] but white guys are hot too
54. Muscles or funny?: funny ofcourse
x.x Guys Fill Out on girls x.x
55.Long Hair or Short:
56.dark or Light Eyes:
57.light/dark hair:
56.Body or Personality:
59.Ear Pierced or Not:
60.Curly or Straight:
61.Good Girl/Bad Girl:
62. Hair--long or short:
63.Sporty or Classy:
64.Chicken or Not Afraid:
x.x Which One is Better x.x
65.Coke or Pepsi: coke
66. Taco Bell or McDonalds: taco bell
67. Cats or Dogs: cats.
68. Coffee or Tea: neither gross.
69. Sour or Sweet: sour
70. Chocolate Milk or Hot Chocolate: chocolate milk
71. Vanilla or Chocolate: mmm chocolate
72. Cake or Cookies: cookies cake is gross and it smells funny.
72. Pizza or noodles: pizza
73. Cookies or cake: wtf weirdo.
74. Ice Hockey or Roller Hockey: umm.. i dont really like hockey.
75. Day or Night: night
76. Lights On or Off: off so no one sees my hidious face ;]
77. Ocean or Pool: ocean
78. Summer or spring: spring ANDDD summer
79. Winter or Fall: Fall
x.x Your favorites x.x
80. Food: nachoes,skittles
81. Car: some sort of truck probably.
82. Store: hottopic,wet seal
83. Candy: skittles and recees
84. Restaurant: elez taco (crap i cant spell that its some beaner restaurant)
85. Sport: Swimming
86. Thing to do: listen to music, hang out with my homies
87. Cartoon: superman i guess?
88. Number(s): 18
89. Dr. Pepper or strawberry banana shake: Dr.Pepper mm
90. Animal: Cats
91. Holiday: halloween, christmas
92.Quote(s): theres a lot.
93. Band(s): well theres a lot so heres a few.. AFI,the used,taking back sunday,the doors,jet,box car racer, story of the year,Finch, match book romance,ect..
94. Song: Your stories, my alibis- matchbook romance.
95. Scent: Tommy, hollister perfume.
96. Book: Speak
97. Fav shows? um i really 7th heaven even though thats a faggish show.
98. Radio Station: 94.9,102.5,106.1
99. Place: Florida at night on the beach <33333333
x.x In The Future x.x
100. Who's Gonna be by Your Side: my Bff hopefully and family.
101. Where you Gonna Live: i want to move to new york and then have a house in florida for summers but who knows. i got 3 years to figure it out.
102. How Many kids: 1-2
103. Names: girls=loralie,lily, amarie Boys= dont know.
104. Animal: a cat.
105. College: Fu or Msu.
106. What are u Gonna be Doing: fashion or hair or both.
107. Define Love:Love is something everyone dreams of being in but it comes when you least expect it and when it comes its the best feeling, i dont think theres a true explanation for love its different for everyone. sometimes love works out for you and sometimes its just a heartbreak. love is unexpecting.
108. What do you want your Wife/Husband to look like: who cares what he looks like if im inlove it shouldnt matter? but if i had a choise prolly someone with long dark hair, and goreous mysterious eyes.
109. What are u Wearing right NOW:megans red track pants and her herley hoodie.
110. What Does Your Screen Name(s) stand For?:sunsets in june?
111. Favorite Movie: Detroit rock city, greece, a walk to remember.
112. Where Were You Born: Petosky Michigan
113. Favorite friend of the opposite gender: Dustin
114. Favorite Place to be kissed: lips
115. Perfect Date? dinner under the stars in the back of a pick up :]
116. Favorite day of the week: Friday or Saturday
117. Who was the last person you received email from? Jennifer Finney.
118.Bedtime: 10-11
119. HOTTEST PERSON YOU KNOW: Mike mcarty oh my goshhh eek!
120. ending time?:7:35