Amnesty: One Fic

Jun 27, 2010 21:41

Title: Torn Apart
Author: varkelton

Pairings: Sam/Other
Rating: What’s worse than NC-17?
Warnings: Graphic rape and torture. Extremely dark.
Word count: ~4,500
Cliche: Darkfic

Summary: Sam is taken by a demon.

Author’s Note: This is the precipitating event for An Issue of Consent and it takes place about five and a half months before the beginning of that story. It can be read as a stand-alone, but is actually meant to be read after the main story. Or, you know, not at all. My muse is sick and I needed to get this out of my head. Most sane people will not want to dwell with me here.

The man turned back, surprise evident in his clear gaze. His lips curved up at the corners, promising sin, and Sam shut his eyes against the sight.

cliche: abduction/kidnapping, cliche: sensory_deprivation, cliche: darkfic, fandom: spn, type: fic, cliche: handcuffs/ropes/restraints

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