BINGO: line through the middle

Sep 01, 2009 02:04

Author: esme_green
Fandoms: Star Trek Reboot, Iron Man (movieverse), Doctor Who, Leverage, Sherlock Holmes (bookverse)
Cliches: Manacles (centre square), soulbonding, courtship rituals, mutation/physical transformation, handcuffs/ropes/restraints

Card is here.

Title: Partition [Cliche: handcuffs/ropes/restraints, Fandom: Iron Man movieverse]
Rating: Adult (mild sexytiems)
Summary: Pepper has been publicly embarrassed countless times in the last ten years.

Title: The Invisible Job [Cliche: mutation/physical transformation, Fandom: Leverage]
Rating: All ages
Summary: The day Parker vanished was exciting.

Title: The Dungeon Interlude [Cliche: manacles (centre square), Fandom: Sherlock Holmes bookverse]
Rating: All ages
Summary: The case itself was so mundane that the details even now escape me.

Title: Clouds [Cliche: soulbonding, Fandom: Star Trek Reboot]
Rating: All ages
Summary: Intelligent cloud creatures need medical attention.

Title: Rainy Sunday Afternoon [Cliche: courtship rituals, Fandom: Doctor Who]
Rating: All ages
Summary: You're not truly an intergalactic time traveller until...

fandom: leverage, fandom: star_trek_reboot, fandom: doctorwho, fandom: ironman, fandom: sherlock_holmes, player: esme_green, cliche: courtship_rituals, bingo: line_through_middle, type: fic, cliche: physicaltransformation, cliche: soulbonding, cliche: handcuffs/ropes/restraints

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