BINGO: diagonal line

Aug 31, 2009 19:22

Just barely finished!  Neglected some other things I probably should have done tonight, but finished my bingo! :)

Author: dawncrow 
Fandoms: Firefly, Doctor Who, Torchwood, NuTrek
Cliches: Freestyle Crossover, Age Regression, Heat, Bodyswap/Bodyshare, Secret Admirers

Here's my card. Enjoy.

Title: Gorram Blue Box
Fandom: Firefly/Doctor Who
Characters/Pairing: Serenity Crew, Ten, Rose, Jack.  Slight Ten/Rose and Jack/Simon
Rating: PG for now
Prompt: Freestyle Crossover
Words: 1,224
Summary: As he reached the cargo hold, Jayne saw one item among the crates of loot that he very distinctly did not remember stealing.  AU with Ten, Rose, and mortal!Jack.  This is just the first chapter...I'm hoping to do some more with it later.

Title: Babysitting
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairing: Torchwood team, series 2.  Owen-centric.
Rating: PG for language
Prompt: You're Only Young Twice: Age Regression
Words: 733
Summary: Jack walked up the stairs looking no different than he had five minutes ago.  Except that he was carrying a baby.  A baby in a miniature business suit.

Title: More Important Things
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters/Pairing: Ten, Donna, Ten.5
Rating: PG for general unhappiness
Prompt: Bodyswap/share
Words: 725
Summary: The human brain could only handle so much.  And if he didn't find a solution soon, Donna Noble was going to die.  CASTING SPOILERS for The End of Time.

Title: Floriography
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Characters/Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: PG-13 for mild sexuality and language
Prompt: Secret Admirers
Words: 2,187
Summary: "Jim, what is the significance of these Earth flowers?"

Title: Heat
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Characters/Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: PG-13, nothing explicit
Prompt: Wildcard: Heat
Summary: He knew what it was the moment the symptoms first appeared.  He had hoped that he would be spared this, but losing his planet clearly wasn't the only stroke of bad luck he'd have to suffer.  Yes, yes, a pon farr fic, but this challenge is all about cliches, right?  Takes place after my other Cliche Bingo fic "Floriography."

cliche: bodyswap, cliche: freestyle_crossover, fandom: star_trek_reboot, cliche: ageregression, fandom: doctorwho, player: dawncrow, cliche: heat, cliche: secret_admirers, bingo: line_through_middle, fandom: torchwood, fandom: firefly

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