May 24, 2003 16:17
i've done a lot more nothing than packing today... watched The Hunt For Red October cause it was on Bravo...
should be able to get my packing done though, i figure i've got a solid 7 hours of work and then im done until it gets moved... which is now going to be monday.
its fucking hot out... i had to turn on the AC. i wanna go take a walk tonight (summer nights rule for wandering by the river...) but i gotta actually make a dent in this packing first...
other things of note:
got the new Black Eyed Peas album Elephunk.. skimmed through once and it seemed decent, need to give extended listen while i pack.
i think i've officially stopped enjoying nachos... made some today and blaaaaah. i wish i'd bought fruit... might have to go back to le store later....
gotta get packing...