there's 10 minutes of my life i'll never get back...

May 12, 2003 12:37

The B-Movie That Suits Me Is:

Mr. Vampire: Hong Kong, like Hollywood, is not known for creativity. Although similar to A Chinese Ghost Story, this movie is unique in many ways. Well written and played out, this funny horror is a true treat.
Find out which b-movie suits you.

I Am The 3rd Party:
The Natural Law Party: You're a strange one, thats for sure. Calling yourself the party based on science, your most interesting claim to fame is a heavy reliance on yoga in your national policy. Ignoring your kooky side, you sometimes make a lot of sense. And your leader is probably the smartest cadidate out there. Too bad he's crazy.
Find out what 3rd party you are!

My Romance MeterOptimist 80%..20% Cynic
Close 86%..14% DistantLong Term 69%..31% BriefWhat does my romance meter read?

Will Ryan Survive A Pit Match Against Clinton And Bush?.0% chance Bush would kill you.
.0% chance Clinton would kill you..0% chance he would sexually harass you..100% chance you would kill them.Enter Combat

Book Worm Meter for RyanShut In 93%..7% Out Of The House
Intellectual 77%..23% MoronHigh Attention Span 95%..5% Low Attention SpanBookitude 96%..4% Book BurnerBook Worm 90.25%..9.75% Bug StomperTake your bookworm readings.

i have zero plans for tonight... bah.
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