ll challenges are posted over at
community_land There are three types of challenges.
1. Fic challenges
They consist of these elements:
Prompt: There is a number of prompts, usually 4-5 per challenge. You can pick one or you can use them all, it's your choice but your story has to be connected to at least one of the prompts.
Word count: There is a specific word count you must not pass. At the moment it's 200 for the drabble challenges but this might change or there can be challenges for longer fics.
2. Graphic challenges
The contents are:
Type of graphic: it can be anything from a simple icon to a wallpaper
Size: depends on the type of graphics
3. Games
Type of game: puzzle/trivia/crossword etc
The puzzle itself (unless it's a luck game)
Notes on challenges overall:
- post your entries in the comments of the post unless stated otherwise.
- comments are screened unless stated otherwise. This means the other members cannot see your entry.
- entries are to remain anonymous until the challenge and voting are over.
- when posting an entry do not forget your team's name or your signature banner because you might loose the points.
- if there is a form provided, then use it.
- further questions can be asked in the question thread.
- You must mention your Team name somewhere or use your signature banner, otherwise you will receive no points for your entry.
- Deadlines: This component is common for all of the challenges. Normally, you will have one week to finish. The exact date and time will be specified but in GMT, so you must keep in mind how many hours + or - GMT you are.
Notes on the On-Going Challenges:
- Every semester there will be two on-going challenges: The Signature Banners one, and the Pimping one. This is basically so that members, whenever they join, can participate in both at any time during the semesters. At the end of a semester, the last two challenges will close, and at the beginning of the next, two new ones of the same type will be posted.
- you cannot vote for your own entry.
- vote according to the rules in a comment to the voting post, comments are screened.