Long time no see, bitches!
Garrison: “You can’t call yourself a cat lover until you go to the shadiest house in town for free kittens.”
Virginia: “You’re seriously considering buying Gideon a horse for his birthday?”
June: “We’re rich now, so why not?”
Virginia: “Sweet baby Jesus.”
June: “What’s wrong?”
Virginia: “Knowing my brother rides horses and actually seeing it... Two completely different things.”
June: “It is kind of weird looking, now that you mention it.”
Virginia: “Just kind of? He's a vampire, he's going to fry.”
Virginia: “I fucking hate this town.”
Hamming: “Is it good to be back home?”
Virginia: “Better than ever.”
Yolandi: “Aren’t you supposed to hold a funeral for your late husband?”
Virginia: “Uh... No. Gavin was... a Jehova’s Witness.”
Yolandi: “What?”
Yolandi: “Gideon and I have exciting news.”
Virginia: “Like what?”
Yolandi: “We’re getting our own place!”
Virginia: “YOU’RE MOVING?!”
Gideon: “Well, my parents just bought me a horse for my unbirthday, and we can’t exactly let it live in our basement.”
Yolandi: “Fuck the rules. We’re still going to be regulars.”
Hamming: “You already broke every other rule.”
Virginia: “Shut up!”
Hamming: “This isn’t even a real legacy.”
Virginia: “Yes it is!”
Hamming: “Since when do legacies revolve around one person?”
Virginia: “It doesn’t!”
Gideon: Is she for real?
Gideon: “You’ll have more time to focus on your career.”
Virginia: “But there will be three extra bedrooms!”
Yolandi: “We’ll still visit. You know. On holidays.”
Virginia: “You’ll be back. I know you will.”
Yolandi: “We’ve been planning this since generation two.”
Virginia: “No way!”
Gideon: “I think I’ll name you... Superquick!”
Gideon: “Between you and me, Superquick, Virginia annoys the living Hell out of me.”
Saffron: “I miss grandma already.”
Caesar: “One week without her and the feeling will pass.”
Hamming: “What’s with that face?”
Virginia: “My family has abandoned me.”
Hamming: “Think of it this way. We can run around in our underwear.”
Virginia: “But I’m lonely!”
Hamming: “You have me.”
Desmond: “I feel the subtle sting of being forgotten by the writer.”
Virginia: Oh my god, what am I doing.
This is what a jetpack woohoo looks like.
Virginia: I’m officially a certified idiot.
This was too good not to screen cap. Frying pan goes on the stove.
Caesar: “MOM, WE’RE HUNGRY!”
Yolandi: “Funny thing about that, if you weren’t hanging out in front of the stove, he’d be done already.”
Saffron: “MOMMMM!!”
Caesar: “MOMMMM!!”
Yolandi: “I hate my life.”
Saffron: “Dad, you’re not supposed to put frying pans in the stove!”
Gideon: “Give me a break! I can’t cook!”
Saffron: “But you work in a kitchen?”
Gideon: “Every kid in this house is grounded!”
Saffron: “I’m going to live with Hamming! He never makes us do anything!”
Yolandi: “If I didn’t know better, I’d say they didn’t give a shit about grandma.”
Pippa’s birthday is coming.
Gideon: “Yes!”
Virginia: “Can you explain why work is more important than your granddaughter, or do I have to make you quit your job again?”
Fuck you.
I’m lazy, so I just edited her in CAS.
Pippa: (breaks sink) “I’m going to be grounded for the rest of my life.”
Virginia: “Everyone is so wrapped up in my Hollywood antics that they forget I’ve maxed out 8 skills. Sort of like how Miley donated half a million to AIDS research, but people only talk about that dress she wore.”
I have a feeling it’s not that drastic.
You mean Gideon still cares about someone other than Superquick?
Acanthus: “I heard you just got a house!”
Gideon: “Yeah, and more importantly... A horse!”
Gideon: “Ah, man! I look like an idiot up here.”
Gideon: “Either I’m good, or they’re terrible.”
Acanthus: “Good game. Want to race me?”
Gideon: “No... But yes! Tomorrow!” My grandmother-in-law is always losing to him, so I don’t have a chance in hell though. I wonder how she deals with the pain of always being outdone by Acanthus?
Virginia: “You see, this is why I love woo-hooing in this bed. It’s all glittery. Perfect love environment.”
Hamming: “The best part, is if anyone walks in, you can pretend you’re woohooing someone else.”
Virginia: “We’ll never get caught!”
Virginia: “I’m just saying this to be a good neighbor... You really need to reconsider that formal wear. It’s doing strange things to your boobs.
Honey: “What?”
Virginia: “Fixed them in CaS, thank me later.”
Honey: “This is a little creepy, but thanks.”
It’s the moment of truth for Yolandi.
Yolandi: “Wow, what a shocker.”
Desmond: “Can I pick... Neither?”
Virginia: “You see, in the city, they call me a man eater.”
Juanita: “In the country, we call you a home wrecker.”
Virginia: “Yeah, they use that word in Bridgeport too.”