Some OTP banner-y-ness XD

Jan 21, 2005 18:35

Made some ER OTP (One True Pairing) banners with season 11 caps off ER Forums. There are four... and there's something quirky about the female side of them o_O


I was never amazingly fond of this pairing personally, but it's big with other people, especially in fanfic writers. Browsing last night, I kept seeing 'carby' everywhere... o_O *shrugs*

I liked this pairing, and wanted to smack Abby when she ruined it >_< Silly girl... oh well, her loss.

I really love this pairing... they're great together in the show, and Luka is the only one who can make Alex, Sam's kid, un-obnoxious XD Bravo, that man!

And this one hasn't exactly... happened (to my knowledge; no ruining it for me, Americans, etc XD) yet, but I read a couple of great little ficlets with 'rabby' yesterday on, so I quite like the pairing for all its... non-existance... o_O

If you watch ER and ship any of those OTPs, feel free to snag with comment and credit, and save them to your own server ^_^ Thankies!

tv: er

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