John Sheppard Mood Theme

Jul 26, 2006 08:45

Well, decided to make myself a John Sheppard moodtheme, and I figured it was only considerate that I share my efforts. This, believe it or not, was made in one long stretch, from scratch, and took over twelve hours in PSP8 O_o I was using samjack_girl’s wonderful moodtheme until my brain started being picky, so while I made my own, a few of the images used ( Read more... )

graphics: moodtheme, tv: stargate: atlantis, actor: joe flanigan

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tipsywitch July 26 2006, 08:37:00 UTC
Oh wow! thanks for sharing!

Now, how do I actually load it on my LJ??????? Need to read instructions.....


clez July 26 2006, 08:53:40 UTC
Thanks to you for the comment! :D Glad you like!

First things first, do you have a paid account? :) I can direct you to a couple of communities with good instructions, but that's the most important question XD


tipsywitch July 26 2006, 10:53:34 UTC
Yes, have paid account. Any help would be much appreciated!


clez July 26 2006, 11:00:49 UTC
There we go :D Hope that's useful. I'd explain it myself, but I'm not the best at it O.o It's actually very simple when you get into the swing of things. You just have to make sure you have a good image host like Photobucket or something :) Let me know if that link is no good, and I'll hunt down something better for you :D


tipsywitch July 26 2006, 14:50:08 UTC
In the words of one very cute Lt Colonel - Cool!

Thanks for your help - much appreciated!!!!


clez July 26 2006, 20:36:12 UTC
:D You are very welcome!


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