John Sheppard Mood Theme

Jul 26, 2006 08:45

Well, decided to make myself a John Sheppard moodtheme, and I figured it was only considerate that I share my efforts. This, believe it or not, was made in one long stretch, from scratch, and took over twelve hours in PSP8 O_o I was using samjack_girl’s wonderful moodtheme until my brain started being picky, so while I made my own, a few of the images used ( Read more... )

graphics: moodtheme, tv: stargate: atlantis, actor: joe flanigan

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clez July 26 2006, 08:34:41 UTC
Thank you! :D You icon gets my undying love, btw XD

I'm glad you like it :) I always get really panicky about .zip files, because I think they're not going to work, but apparently it does, so yay XD Thanks, again!


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clez July 26 2006, 08:51:29 UTC
*dies of jealousy* I want another horse, but I haven't had one in about fifteen years now :(

And yay again XD It wasn't exactly painful to make all the icons, considering the subject matter was so pretty XD


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clez July 26 2006, 09:01:42 UTC
They really are :D My favourite animal, along with wolves.

Hehehe, I eased the pain by watching episodes while I worked XD And awww, I'm touched :D That's quite a compliment, considering you said you had a lot of moodthemes saved :)


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clez July 26 2006, 09:07:19 UTC
TIGERS! Of course *facepalms* Yes, my favourite big cat :D


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clez July 26 2006, 09:13:15 UTC
I'd hug one if I could guarantee those huuuuge teeth wouldn't puncture something :D I've got four cats, and I've had all kinds of other pets, so I'm a huge animal fan XD

I haven't been riding in so long though :(


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clez July 26 2006, 09:30:10 UTC
O_O Wow. Now I'm really jealous XD

Hehehehe, cows are strangely cute, yeah XD Have to agree with you there. My sister loves them :)


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clez July 26 2006, 09:55:20 UTC
Hehehehe XD Awww, I can see what you mean, actually.


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clez July 26 2006, 10:00:28 UTC
... Holycrapthat'scute! XD *is a little bit ded*


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