Clexmas Stocking Stuffer #9: Snowball Love

Jan 01, 2011 23:10

Stocking Stuffer #9: Snowball Love


"Hey! What was that for?"


"Clark, why are you hitting me with snowballs?" Lex stood there, pushing the snow that had landed on his shoulder to the ground.

"Come on, Lex. Haven't you ever had a snowball fight?"

"Luthors do not have snowball fights, Clark."

"Aw, live a little; have some fun. They can be quite invigorating."


Lex pushed the snow off of his head. "You are really taking your life in your hands, Clark."

Clark laughed. "Come on, Lex. What are you going to do, just stand there and take it?" He threw another snowball, which Lex dodged with a ballet like grace.

Lex smiled ferally, and suddenly charged towards Clark.

"Uh oh," Clark said as he tried to dodge.

Lex tackled Clark to the ground; the taller man letting out an 'oof' as he fell into the cold snow. From his position on top of Clark, Lex smiled at him in satisfaction.

Clark blinked. "Are you going to let me up?"


"Lex, it's cold down here."

"You don't feel the cold, Clark."

"It's wet," Clark pouted.

"You don't feel wet."

Clark rolled his eyes. "Lex, it's water, of course I feel wet."

Lex snuggled into the body beneath him. "But I like it here. I feel all toasty warm, and you're very soft for someone who is invulnerable. Soft, but strong. You know, like the toilet paper."

"You're comparing me to toilet paper?" Clark said indignantly.

"Well, except toilet paper has never gotten me so horny before." Lex pushed his erection into Clark's thigh. Clearing his throat, Lex's voice was gravelly as he said, "Since you're so strong, could... You know." Lex nodded toward the castle.

Clark smiled, and before Lex knew it, he was out of his cold wet clothes. Naked, on his bed with his large lover laying over him creating a blanket that made him feel toasty and warm.

"Now this is my idea of the perfect way to spend the holiday."

"Me too, Lex. Me too! Oh and one more thing."

"What's that, Clark?"

And Clark smiled and kissed him.

challenge: clexmas stuffer

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