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Comments 35

shara50 July 14 2010, 01:36:36 UTC
You did an awesome job!


gigglingkat July 14 2010, 03:08:30 UTC
She writes demon in Dean's part of the board in the green chalk she's decided is hers. "Do you think we should have two Dean sections? One for now and one for then?"

You gave Mary your OCD... FREAK. :P

I can't do this without you."

"Yes, you can," she tells him. Sam and Dean are proof of that.

"Yeah, well, I don't want to."

But you gave them the Pilot lines. Awwww...

"Christo," John blurts out. It's true that there's not really a smooth way to slip that into a conversation.

Oh dear. Missouri won't take that well...
... nope, she didn't. *SQUEE for incognito Gabriel*

and then all the way across the damn country to Hollywood, Florida before finally-thankfully, blissfully- being sent over to Blue Earth, Minnesota


"It seems that God has placed angels in a time out," he says slowly.

"I'm sorry, what?" John asks.

Shut up, John. The other explanation makes the fic hit 100K.

The biggest issue they end up having with telling Dean about Sam is ( ... )


ataratah July 14 2010, 03:44:13 UTC
I love how well thought out this was, you tied up so many loose ends from the two time travel episodes! I like the way you handled how Sam and Dean are a little different because of Mary, but still recognizable, and fundamentally the same. Also, 42% less death! WIN ♥


etrix July 14 2010, 03:54:46 UTC
This was funny and scary, poignant and squeee-making, and oh how I wish the show could do this too...

John and Mary were absolutely wonderful. All the elements of canon were there: how they hated each other before the cupids got involved, his innate bull-headedness, her confident kick-assedness, and so much more.

I'm definitely book-marking this one. Thanks for picking this idea and sharing it with us. =]


isla_verdad July 14 2010, 04:06:40 UTC
Toddler Dean and Baby Sam are awesomecakes. And Wincesty Teenchesters FTW! Nice remake of the time travel eppys and Winchester Family Take Two. Lovely.


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