Yeah, well the drummer from Def Leopard only has one arm

Nov 26, 2007 06:51

I just watched Sandy's bit on DooL (from the 20th of this month) and I am laughing so hard because the guy she was hitting on is being all emo because he has a prosthetic leg.


I admit it, this post was only so I could quote Bloodhound Gang.

I am still woefully behind on comments (so why do I keep posting?). I'm going to watch Dexter in a few minutes and try and stay awake another twoish hours so I can attempt to go to class today. I figure I usually fall asleep in class anyway so it's not like it'd be much different. Cross your fingers and hope that I don't crash out on the bus there. And that if I crash out on the bus back it's the one I ride to the end of the line?

In other news spnstoryfinders continues to both scare the shit out of me and make me weep for fandom.

fandom: cwrps, rl: classes, fandom: supernatural

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