Okay. I'm totally gonna kick Joseph in his fucking face. He deleted AIM from my laptop. It's 8MB. That will take over an hour to install if I can manage to keep my connection on long enough. So yeah, until I can figure out how to fucking Jimmy-Rig it I am AIMless. This means I can be poked via LJ or MSN. I have YIM but I haven't been able to see anything I or anyone else types on it since a long time now so it's really a whole lot useless, mainly there so I know when I have an email.
My brother is a fucking idiot sometimes. Fuck.
Got a Boondock Saints shirt at the mall Friday, that was cool. Got home and realized it was long-sleeved. That was not. I'm totally gonna need to go back and get one that is short-sleeved. Of course I'm gonna need money for that so it's gonna be a while. What? You thought I would return it or something?
Got the sides of my head shaved Friday, I feel better now.
Been in half-panic attack mode for the last few days. Part of this is because I'm PMSing and part of it is unknown. I would really love not to freak out when I PMS. And keep in mind that when I say this what I mean is that I would like to go an entire month without scratching my arms until they bleed and scab and then picking the scabs until they leave holes and scar. I clawed four holes in my shoulders the other night and it makes me look vaguely like a Meth addict.
I seriously need some happy fic. Why is there so little happy fic? Oh right. Because it's Prison Break and Supernatural. Stupid angsty fandoms...
Usually when I talk to people I get the feeling that I am Sammich. Mainly because I think I kinda am. Except when talking to Cheesey; then I'm suddenly Dean. This is because Cheesey is totally Sammich. Proof under the cut.
Cheese Sammich says:
*is searching for pics*
Cheese Sammich says:
Yes, while listening to shitty emo music
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Sammy, Sammy, Sammy. What am I going to do with you?
Cheese Sammich says:
Be nicer
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Cheese Sammich says:
Pop your cock at someone else
Cheese Sammich says:
I'm busy
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Cheese Sammich says:
...is a detective with OCD
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Cheese Sammich says:
iGeek? Really?
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Yes, uGeek.
Cheese Sammich says:
Cheese Sammich says:
Stop distracting me!
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Stop getting distracted so easy.
Cheese Sammich says:
Stop talking
Cheese Sammich says:
It makes me feel compelled to reply
Not Sammich but Deano says:
You stop.
Cheese Sammich says:
Cheese Sammich says:
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Cheese Sammich says:
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Cheese Sammich says:
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Cheese Sammich says:
*ignores as best she can*
Not Sammich but Deano says:
*Doesn't so it, doesn't do it, doesn't do it*
You have just sent a Nudge!
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Cheese Sammich says:
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Okay, okay, actually stopping now.
Cheese Sammich says:
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Cheese Sammich says:
Alright then
Not Sammich but Deano says:
Cheese Sammich says:
See? It's totally a convo between Sammich and Dean from two different comps at the library. Even Sammich knows he's a big girl. I find it amusing that Dean capitalizes and uses punctuation much more than College Boy. Seriously, me and Cheesey talking is like SamandDean fic. But without all the incesty anal sex. Or any anal sex usually. Except when we have those RPG Costume Parties... Except STRUMER kinda unleashed those ostriches last time and crashed it all.
I have the new issue of TV Guide now. The one with Jenny and Went and Angel and Jin and Chase and stuff. Mm.
It's 1251 here ATM and I'm still awake. Tomorrow night I'm gonna take my sleeping pills again. Well, tonight I guess. Technically.
It's been like, weeks since I've written anything that wasn't prompted of MSN or a comment. I need to work more on the Five Powers fic (I'm sure if I can motivate myself right I can pound it out quick) and then try and flesh out this other fic I've had bouncing around in my head for a while. It's Stanford-time SPN. I was telling Elissa about it last night and she thought it was groovy. Sammich's friends totally convince him to go on a roadtrip with them during the first or second summer. Poor Sammich gets driven out of one town by a sheriff, leered at by a few dozen waitresses, smacked by another, turned away at some hotels and run into angsty/angry/pissed off Dean (Who his friends may or may not mistake for an ex) in a dinner somewhere. Elissa suggested "Five places Sam has never been... Really, never." My OCD is highly prevalent in fics I've noticed. Numbers play a large part in most of my fics.
I also have to finish up the remaining eps on
The Laundry List. I've been putting them off because my comp has been particularly prone to freezing the past few days and all the play-pause-play is likely to not help with that. Also?
hrada and
veradeath? I need to know what your estimated completion dates for your episodes are. The sooner this is all done the better. If you want to drop any episodes don't feel bad, just let me know so I can get a start on them myself, groovy?
It's Father's Day and Mom had me go out and get CJ a card. CJ's cool and all but blood or not I don't consider myself his daughter. I want my Daddy. I have to at least call him sometime today/tonight. I have his number and I know the halfway house he's at cause it's the one Jimmy Lee was at and Mom was at and it's the one right behind Uncle Steve's where me and Joe used to live. Maybe when Joe wakes up I'll see if he wants to go over there. I'd totally have to think of an excuse for where we go because Ma wouldn't like it and she'd tell CJ and he'd feel like even more shit than he does today. I dunno, I have to call Dad to see if he's there today. I think he is. I hope he is. Maybe if he's there and says we can come over me and Yuss might be able to work something out, go pick up Andy down from Mesa and go see Daddy and then come home. Andy would like to see Dad and it would give us time to be gone.
Ignore the previous paragraph; I realize a lot of it doesn't make sense, I'm mostly thinking out loud. Kinda. In a way. I miss my Daddy.
*Uses Papa Winchester icon*