If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Harry
by Atlanta Lea (c. 1986)
Another fanzine story! I wonder who they’ve got me matched up with this time?
It’s almost always the Doctor. Not that I would have minded, but it really wasn’t possible, you know. Not on a permanent basis, anyway.
There have even been a couple of stories with him before he changed - I wouldn’t have minded that either. But seven hundred years! That’s not May-and-December, that’s Twelfth Night-and-New Year’s Eve.
It’s only four hundred years or so with Guiliano, but it still makes for rather a generation gap. And the Renaissance was rather a nasty time, let me tell you, though I don’t suppose I’ll ever meet a fairy tale prince again.
Of course, there’s always good old Harry.
I’ve seen a couple with Mike Yates in the role, although none with Benton. What’s the matter with Benton?
And several with men I’d never heard of before. I don’t do that with strangers!
All right, who will it be today?
-- Good heavens! The Brigadier…?