The Obligatory First Post

Sep 11, 2005 03:19

Here it is: the Obligatory First Post.  The moment to reflect on the who, what, when, how and why of my descent into a Livejournal.  I have finally caved in to your demands (you know who you are), and started this thing.  However, are you aware that there are over eight million people on LJ?  There have been over eight million first posts.  What can I possibly say that hasn't already been said?  How much gravity should be attached to this, anyways?  I have no idea, so I'll just trudge through it so I can stop having to worry about it.

The real question is what I will write about.  Will I list off my daily experiences, with every banal detail recounted?  Perhaps wait for something particularly significant, so everyone who was there can reply "That was awesome!", while everyone else can reply "Damn, I missed it."?  Should I post a bunch of e/n bullshit to collect five or so hollow words of sympathy or encouragement per person?  Maybe I will turn this into a treasure trove of links to all of the wonderful discoveries I've made during my days as an Internaut.  Who am I kidding: I'll write about all of the above.

I realize I sound a little negative about this.  You must be asking yourself, "If you don't really like it, why are you wasting your time with it?".  I have two reasons.  Firstly, I have always treated LJs in a derogatory manner.  Writing this is generating a little self-disgust, and that is seeping through into my words.  However, I am doing this because I like to be heard.  I haven't felt like this since sophomore year in Newspaper.  It's a rush to put down all of these thoughts onto paper, and knowing that they will be seen; they will be heard.  It's because of that rush I'm positive I will keep on coming back.

I swear I will write a real post shortly.
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