Dec 05, 2008 16:30
This is my sixth day with the bite on my leg. I've been taking daily samples of my blood, both from the wound and other locations far from the infection point. The disease has spread throughout my system, It looks like it's bonding to my red blood cells. White blood cells have increased, but they're being attacked and bonded to as well. I'm not sure how to describe it. It's not alive, some kind of... molecular compound. My microscope isn't really powerful enough to get a much closer look at it than what I have right now, although with further mutation I might be able to get a better grasp on it. I'll have to try to see if I can get some samples to the laboratory at NYU. It's probably not the best idea to go out now, but I haven't got much other choice.
I don't know how to proceed from here, in terms of treatment. It's not alive, so antibiotics would be no good, and it's settling itself into my system so... I don't know, there are a few things I could try by attempting to isolate it and strip it from my cells but I don't know if it'll work or not. Guess I don't have much to lose, though. I don't really have the stuff here, so another reason to go to NYU.
On the bright side, there's an obvious lack of chemical similarity to the T-Virus, so I can at least finally cross Umbrella involvement off of my list. It's stupid but I was still holding out for this to crop up as one of their testing sites.
I'm not really getting off scot-free being infected. I've had a headache since Thursday afternoon, and a fever of 99.4°F. I can feel the effects of the virus, and it's not exactly pleasant, but I was expecting this.
As far as the injury itself goes, I'm changing the bandages twice daily because it won't coagulate and I keep bleeding. It's starting to look pretty bad, and I really don't know what to do to treat it beyond what I've been doing. The pain doesn't seem to be getting that much worse, although it's fairly consistent and I'm having trouble sleeping because of it. I've considered using a local anesthetic to numb it down, to see if that helps at all, but I'm not sure about that because if I can't feel it, I could unintentionally make it worse.
I guess the pain is just a constant reminder that I'm doing something very stupid.
[[ooc: offline means rebecca is storing these entries separate from the journal, in a locked file on her computer]]
ix-nay on the ombies-zay,
not the t-virus,
stupid rebecca is stupid,
for science