SPN 5.21: a few lingering thoughts ... scratch that. this is pretty wordy

May 07, 2010 11:05

Obnoxious banner is obnoxious

1. Pea-green colored projectile vomit in the spirit of Exorcist? Really? But other than that, I liked Pesty~~~ Especially his speech about disease being perfect and pure while humans are far from that. Well done, Pestilence, well done. I also had an "awww" moment when he mentioned his two fallen brothers. <3

2. Like most of the Dean/Cas shippers, at first, I was a bit disappointed with the make up scene between the two. Not because of Cas, but because of Dean's lack of... anything remotely apologetic. I mean, the moment he finds out Cas is alive he tells him to zap back to them THIS INSTANT so Cas can cover their asses again. HOWEVER. I watched the scene a little closer the second/third/fourth (you get the picture) time around and realized a few things.

a. Some people have already stated that Dean does not like to show emotions, specifically emotions that expose his vulnerability. In other words, he doesn't handle guilt very well (as we all know). So when he does feel guilty about anything, he either covers it up with anger or blows it off completely. In this case, you can hear the frustration in his voice when Cas gives him those vague/contrite answers. I think the relief in hearing Cas' voice allowed him to fall back into that mask rather easily. So the moment he knows Cas is indeed alive, he's able to turn the tables and point blame onto him: "We all thought you were dead. Where the hell are you, man?" It's an accusatory remark. It's like he's asking "if you were alive all this time, why the hell didn't you contact us sooner?! I was worried sick about you."

b. Okay, so the issue about Dean telling Cas to COME BACK TO ME HERE RIGHT NOW. I can now forgive, mainly because it shows his complete confidence in Cas to take care of himself. He trusts that Cas is indeed okay and quickly includes him in on their next fight! We know how BAMF our angel is so it's nice to see him treated like that. Not some helpless weakling.

c. When Dean does find out that Cas turned human on them, he once again throws up that stone mask. But guys, not well enough. He actually drops down into a chair at the news. Who does that unless they're hearing something that's difficult to digest? It weighs down on him especially because of what he saw in the future. He didn't want that for Cas at all, but look what's happening now? Again, guilt.

d. Do you hear Dean's voice when Cas apologizes? It's almost like saying "Why are you even bothering to apologize to me?" <3

e. CAS HANGS UP ON DEAN. You don't know how much I love this, you guys. I want to believe that Cas knows Dean well enough to realize how much Dean doesn't like doing this type of emotional, make-everything-better type crap. He saves Dean from having to say anything more.

3. CROWLEY. I loved you from the moment I met you and I still love you sfm now. I hope you don't die. LOL @ Sammy wanting to know if Bobby kissed Crowley like it was the most important piece of information. His interactions with all of them were amazing, honestly. Crowley/Dean looking for Death was hilarious AND HURRAY FOR BOBBY'S LEGS.

4. Alrighty, I know a few people were put off by Bobby's harsh words to Cas, but I didn't feel that way at all. Think about it. Cas needs someone to tell him to get over his grief on losing his mojo. There are more important things to worry about now and it's no time to weep. Bobby's no bullshit attitude helps Cas see that if he wants to useful, he needs to take control of the situation and SHAPE. UP. not mope around. And look what happens! \o/ The Bobby/Sam/Cas team really kicked ass.

5. OOOOOOO DEATH~ Seriously. Favorite character in the episode. So cool, calm and collected, just the way I like them. I'm a Dean girl, but MAN, I wore the biggest, stupidest smile when Death called Dean and the rest of humanity ~~*~insignificant~*~~ Cut Dean down a few notches. hehe.

aaand, that's about all I had to say. I'm not going to address the Samifer issue because I'm not sure what I think about it. Meh. I did like Samifer in "The End" though. I guess I'll just wait and see.

As an end note, I love this song so much and it reminds me of Cas every time I listen to it:

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fandom: supernatural

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