Feb 01, 2006 06:43
I think I have the chicken pox...again.
I know this is not true in any sense but sometimes I feel like I have the most insane family situation ever. I mean, I was never treated badly and always looked after but I feel like I have been branded a severe version of crazy. Well, it could be worse. They could be religious.
This week had proved to be substantially hectic in every way. I've been in the darkroom about twenty hours since monday and I'm starting to dream about printing. With the shows coming up everyone at school has gone mad. The gallery looks like a bomb went off in it and so does my apartment. my sculpture alone takes up half the living room. there is wood and paint and sandpaper and $40 worth of glue tossed everywhere. Ron (the head photo man - also my second dad) went nuts on us yesterday about getting our work in and this of course set the usual people off like heather and Val. Katy and I just kind of complain and moan a lot but never question.
I keep having this weird and repetative paper cut dream.
I can't sleep to save my life lately. I've been awake since 4am. - after the paper cut dream.
everyone has a crush on me. this remains annoying.
well I should go feed pearl she is climbing on me and making noises.