Worst Idea in the History of EVER

May 28, 2009 13:16

http://popwatch.ew.com/popwatch/2009/05/new-buffy-movie.html --It's like Hollywood is just TRYING to fail at everything. God. Honestly.

I don't even care if they get God himself to do this movie and it turns out to be the best fucking thing since chocolate or something. The true Buffy people aren't going to watch it. You just don't piss off the Joss-cult (or the Whedon fanbase--whatever you personally call it). They (ie. I) will no doubt boycott this thing on principle alone. Now, I'm not saying that I think Joss should drop everything and go direct this himself or something. He's a busy, brilliant man and he's moving on, which is cool. I mean, if he wasn't moving on from Buffy, we wouldn't have gotten Serenity, Dr. Horrible or Dollhouse, every single one of which was made of pure and utter awesome, as I'm sure Cabin in the Woods will be. He shouldn't be forced to tend to Buffy forever.

But that doesn't mean that I think Hollywood should be taking advantage of the fact that he's done with it (screen-wise, I know that he's still involved with the comics and such) to try and squeeze every last penny they can out of the franchise. That's just proof that Hollywood is made out of even more evil than ever before, the greedy bastards. I sincerely hope that this blows up in their faces.

Huh. Now I want to start an official boycott. With, like, official banners and stuff. Anyone else interested?

EDIT: Also, howdy-do to all my lovely newly-added friends! I know that this isn't a very good first greeting. My apologies.

boycott, rant, joss whedon, buffy

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