Fic: Keeping in Touch (2/?)

Nov 04, 2008 04:04

This fic was originally posted on idontdance.

Title: Keeping in Touch (Part 2 of ?)
Rating: PG-13 for now
Pairing: Chad/Ryan (eventually)
Summary: Everyone always promises to keep in touch after high school.
Author’s Notes: Wow. People actually liked the first part. That makes me so happy (especially considering I edited and posted it at 5 AM while half-asleep)! So, here’s another part of what is still, at this point, kind of a writing experiment. In case anyone is wondering, I have Sharpay and Chad still living at home while they attend U of A. It seems likely to me, it being a local school and all. Not sure how important that is yet, but it could come into play at some point. So yes, again: HSM3 spoilers within. Read at your own risk.

Part 1

Keeping in Touch
Part Two
By cleverboot

From: Triple_threat
To: All
Subject: My roommate is freaking me out
So, yeah. Here I am, safe and sound in my new dorm room. It’s… small. But nice, I guess. It smells a little funny, but whatever. I finally met the roommate. His name’s Jeremiah Jenkins. He’s… intense. He doesn’t talk much, but he keeps staring at me. It’s starting to give me the creeps. Plus, he’s got, like, this huge collection of allergy meds all over his desk, so he’s been putting his books in a pile on the floor and I’ve already knocked them over about ten times. Like I said, the room’s kinda small. But he doesn’t say anything when it happens, just watches me when I apologize and pick them up yet again. That is weird, right? It’s not just me being paranoid about my first roommate being a psycho who’s gonna kill me in my sleep?

From: HoopsAllTheWay
To: Triple_threat
Subject: RE: roommate
That is kinda weird.

From: Fabulus1
To: All
Subject: RE: My roommate is freaking me out
Jeremiah Jenkins? What cruel parents. I always feel so bad for people whose first and last names start with the same letter.

From: Sunny_n_Sweet
To: Triple_threat
Subject: RE: My roommate is freaking me out
You can always come to visit me if Jeremiah starts to bother you! So long as I’m not in class. Or studying or at my math or science groups. You know that Mom and I would love to have you over anytime!

From: GottaDance
To: All
Subject: Sharing a room is highly overrated
My roommate moved in this morning. He’s from Wyoming. And he plays the oboe. I mean, seriously? I know they said that dancers, actors, musicians and everybody get all mixed together for the rooming arrangements, but who actually plays the oboe these days? He is the first person from Wyoming I’ve ever met, though. I don’t think I like him very much. He sneered at the hat I was wearing when I introduced myself. Grrr. Juilliard’s all-first-years-must-live-in-residence-in-double-rooms policy doesn’t seem nearly this aggravating when you read about it in the brochure.

From: Piano(wo)man
To: GottaDance
Subject: RE: Sharing a room is highly overrated
You can always come visit me in my room. My roommate’s a dancer. Ballet, I think. I think you guys would get along.

From: Fabulus1
To: GottaDance
Subject: Your roommate
Which hat were you wearing?

From: GottaDance
To: Fabulus1
Subject: RE: Your roommate
The metallic red newsboy.

From: Fabulus1
To: GottaDance
Subject: RE: Re: Your roommate
Hmm. Perhaps the shimmer is throwing him off. But keep on eye on him, Ry. I keep telling Mummy and Daddy to try and pull some strings to get you a single room and I know they keep saying that it’s only fair for you to live the same way the rest of your classmates do, but it just won’t do to have you stuck in a room with someone who has issues with the way you ”shine”. If there’s a problem, I’m sure we can talk them into it.

From: GottaDance
To: Fabulus1
Subject: RE: Re: Your roommate
I don’t think my "shininess" (is that what we’re calling it these days?) is the issue. If it is, he was pretty stupid to apply to Juilliard in the first place. The place is swarming with "shiny" boys. I’m thinking maybe he just doesn’t like hats.

Or possibly the color red. Or any color, really. He’s unpacking his stuff now. Not that I’m paying attention, of course, but there appears to be a disproportionately large amount of black in there. Ugh.

From: Fabulus1
To: GottaDance
Subject: RE: Re: Your roommate
That’s even worse than I thought! You’re living with an emo musician? Oh, Ry, I’m so sorry.

From: HoopsAllTheWay
To: GottaDance
Subject: RE: Sharing a room
He sneered at you? You weren’t wearing that bright green one, were you? Because I warned you before that that hat is butt-ugly. I know you thought I was kidding, but I wasn’t.

From: GottaDance
To: HoopsAllTheWay
Subject: My hats are all beautiful!
Thank you very much for your input, Chad, but NO, I wasn’t wearing the bright green one you took such pleasure in insulting.

From: HoopsAllTheWay
To: GottaDance
Subject: Sure they are
Just trying to be helpful. You know me, that’s just the way I am.

From: Triple_threat
To: GottaDance
Subject: RE: Sharing a room is highly overrated
I’ll trade you for the oboe player from Wyoming in exchange for Jeremiah Jenkins.

From: GottaDance
To: Triple_threat
Subject: RE: Re: Sharing a room is highly overrated
I think you can keep the creepy stalker to yourself, if it's all the same to you.


Onwards! Part 3 is just beyond the horizon!

A/N #2: If anyone wants to see Ryan’s hat, it can be found here.

slash, kit, chyan, hsm fanfic, hsm, fanfiction

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