So, now it's over. I'm still processing my own feelings about the series as a whole in my head. These are mostly initial thoughts that I may or may not expand on at a later date.
Children of Earth, purely from a storyteller's perspective, was really good. The story was enthralling and compelling and there were lots of explosions and gunfights and, if I hadn't had prior emotional investments in the characters, I know that I'd have found it very entertaining as a sci-fi story.
As a fan, though... I watched the first season of Torchwood before I'd ever seen ANY Doctor Who. Watching that season was what prompted me to start DW and to re-watch and continue watching Torchwood. And how did I get drawn into Torchwood in the first place? I stumbled across a clip of Ianto on youtube. And then I thought that he looked like an interesting character, so I figured I'd check the show out and figure out what the guy's story was. And that part of me, that part that still sees Ianto as my anchor into this particular delightful (and cruel, cruel) world of time-travelling and adventure, is still completely and utterly devastated. I really don't think I can get over Ianto's death. I won't be able to watch Torchwood if it goes on. I know everyone is saying that, but Ianto (alright, Jack/Ianto was a major factor) was the reason I watched the show. And with no Ianto... *shrug* There's no draw anymore.
A couple notes on Day Five, just so as I can honestly claim that I made them:
-I really did feel so bad for Frobisher. So, so bad.
-I called it early, and I was right: PM = complete and total douche
-Oh, God, PC Andy. I love you so much. WHen you tore that uniform vest off and joined in the fight, I was so proud of you. That right there demonstrated why everybody in this fandom seems to love you. You're wonderful.
-Ianto's family... I still just adore them. Absolutely. Though, the fact that Ianto's dad wasn't actually a tailor threw me more than I'd care to admit.
-Gwen had SO better be naming that kid after Ianto or something. Like, seriously.
-Jack... dude, you've just been through hell this trip and I am so glad I'm not you. I think RTD secretly hates you. I'm so sorry. *hug*
-Alright, I admit it. Lois, after reserving judgement on you for so long, I've finally reached a conclusion: I deem you worthy. Bridget Spears and Agent Whatever-her-name-was also proved themselves there at the end. Ladies, you're acceptable supporting characters.
So, yeah. That's all I've got.