So some of you are probably wondering where the heck I've been. Well to answer that question in the most physical sense I have moved to New York to live with my dad. Things at home have been a little unbearable for me stress wise and so I've decided to go to where it is quiet and tree filled. I've had people constantly making jokes and calling me Bella and my dad is now known in casual conversation as Charlie and since he more or less lives in the East coast's answer to Forks. Unfortunately I've been living out the boring parts of Bella's life but if I run into Edward Cullen I'll let everyone know.
So the second part of where I've been has to do with my absence from livejournal and fandom in general. To answer that I basically have to say that I've had it and I am done. As of now until further notice this journal is closed due to constant asshattery provided by anonymous commenters and other people who feel the need to harass me over the most stupid things and I've just had it with the livejournal drama.
So, for those of you who still want to keep up with me I am now on insanejournal at
deadgirls and if you log in with their opensource option you can still friend me from here without needing to get a journal over there. Just leave me a note in the friends only post so I can add you back.
I'm sorry things had to go this route since I have really enjoyed the adult part of this fandom, but I no longer have the patience to deal with twelve year olds who have nothing better to do than spam me.
I will leave this entry public and open for commenting so those that need to get ahold of me can - however if it turns into angry nonsense I will disable comments.