The Yet More Numerous OOC Post

May 12, 2008 00:06

Yes, I know I've just done about three of these in a row, and I promise once this week is over, I'll be back. I just thought I'd take a moment to explain myself.

It's tech week, for a play. I have rehearsal every night till 11 in a city that's an hour away from me. By the time I get home it's usually about 12:30ish.

I am trying my hardest to tag. If I only get to one per night, please don't kill me. And if it seems like I haven't responded in days, I promise I haven't lost interest in the thread or anything, I try to follow through, it just means I'm having a hard time getting myself to the computer. I promise once tech week is done and the run starts that I'll be back full time (or at least, as full time as I was before) But for the moment, please bear with me, I'm really sorry about all this.

Thank you, once again.


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