What a difference a year makes.

Jan 20, 2010 22:02

Thank God Bush isn't President anymore, when members of his administration would tell people to shut the fuck up about civil rights and such. Things like this:

[The Director of National Intelligence] also said criteria for adding people to the government's "no fly" list was too legalistic and rigid. And he said that in recent years there has been pressure to shrink rather than expand the list because of a cascade of complaints from people getting "hassled" by authorities. "Why are you searching grandmothers?" was a too-common refrain, he said.

"Shame on us for giving in to that pressure," he said.

or that we should just round up people we don't like and send them off to the testicle electrocution department, instead of using due process habeas corpus and other bullshit:

[The DNI] suggested the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, also known as HIG, should have questioned the Nigerian airline bomb incident suspect before any decisions were made on whether to place him in the civilian court system.

But all that changed a year ago today, when Obama swept the evil out of DC...
Wait, what?
That was Obama's Director of National Intelligence, just this morning?

Oh, well, never mind. Happy Anniversary to "Change"


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