do not arouse the wrath of the great and powerful Oz.

Jan 18, 2006 16:07

i hereby dedicate this myspace/livejournal cross-post to my dear, caring friends: lalemand23, dormantspore, bleach_blonde, and especially tripoverthings (for that cute little nudge of hers), for being the only four livejournal-affiliated friends of mine to show any interest or concern in my recent separation from the land of LiveJournal. you guys are the best friends an ex-livejournal addict could ask for -- and i thank you for that.

how 'bout that there weather, eh? i actually had a Dorothy Gale moment on the walk from class to my car this morning, until i remembered that i lived in Maine and not Kansas and that, though surprisingly powerful, the wind probably wouldn't be strong enough to lift farm animals and entire houses into thin air. unfortunately, the revelation was slightly disappointing. it basically shattered all thoughts of me tapping my heels together three times to get my ass home sooner and more safely. that said, it took an additional 25 minutes to get home today. i spent the extra time pretending that i was an adventurous storm-chasing adrenaline junkie and that, as long as i pumped myself full of Mountain Dew at some point throughout the day (which i would so do, obviously) everything would be fine. and it was. i made it home in one piece and, more importantly, so did my car.

my first class of the semester was dreadfully bad. the teacher is an egotistical 72-year-old man who looks 50 and eerily resembles Eugene Levy. one of his first remarks, after nonchalantly mentioning that he'd be suggesting to the majority of the class that they should drop it and take algebra at a lower level (thanks for the confidence boost, man!), went something like this: "and then there are those students who just aren't arithmetically inclined and STILL come to college! *insert eye-roll AND confused shrug, here. followed by egocentric old-man chortling.*" um, excuse me? should i not aspire to become something better than a sales clerk at the nation's shittiest corporation because i can't do algebra? i'm pretty sure i wouldn't BE in this class if i didn't HAVE to be. it's not like i decided to come back to school to take some sweet fucking ALGEBRA classes, you asshole. i didn't wake up one morning three years after graduation and think, gee, i really miss algebra! maybe i should look into that whole college thing!

ugh, anyway. i'm kinda hoping that the remaining three classes go a bit better than this. otherwise i may just have to drop out of college with a mere semester under my belt. either that or get myself into the witness protection program, change my name and social security number, and start completely anew. which would work amazingly well had i actually witnessed something other than that Jehovah dude last semester and the guy at Subway last week who sneakily placed his fountain soda beneath the back wheel of his Subaru before backing over it and leaving it there like the preppy litter-bug that his yuppie parents raised him to be...

anyway, i have severe ADD and there are ambulance sirens going crazy outside of my window right now. i'm going to take this as my cue to go enjoy some delicious Campbell's soup and perhaps finish that book of mine. i love when classes are canceled -- goodbye, stress and homework. hello, free time!

also... if any of you in the local vicinity would like to join Derrek and me for a movie and some coffee later tonight, give me a call. we'll do it up, Farmington style.
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