Hi everyone!
It seems my previous Clue-inspired prompt stumped a lot of people, so we're going to go a bit simpler this week. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a drabble of no more than 750 words from a particular character's POV...without ever identifying that character by name (or nickname) within the story. Use other methods to reveal his/her identity. Half the fun will be guessing who they are!
Prompt words (choose at least one):
Rather than commenting to this post with your fic, please post it separately in the archive like a regular fic with the regular header. This will help others remember to come back and read them, rather than having to dig for this post in their f-list. (Thanks
misanagi for that suggestion!) You can leave the character tags blank until after a few people have been able to guess the identity of the POV character, and I'll fill it in.
Your Clever Mod