Dec 08, 2006 14:02
Hey, everybody! It’s December! That means I get to be excited about Christmas now!
Okay, I know it’s hipster to hate Christmas, but I just can’t do it. Anything that affords me the opportunity to eat too much food, spend all my money on cool stuff for people I love, see family and reminisce about some of the happiest times in my childhood is, to me, a good thing.
In fact, Gwyneth and I have already:
-decorated the apartment
-made our first batch of mulled wine
-sung off-key carols
-watched and cooed over “Love Actually”- which includes the lines: “8 is a lot of legs, David.” “So, kid, if you want to make someone’s holidays a little brighter, buy my festering turd of a record so an aging pop-star can have a few more moments of glory,” and “There was more than one lobster present at the birth of Jesus?”
Anyway, for most of you, I’ve already ferreted presents away months ago, but if you have a wish list please leave the link in the comments space below….
Christmas time is also, of course, the time to GET presents!
So, here are some things I want, in random arrangement of plausibility:
A burgundy vespa LX150
The Uses of Enchantment, by Heidi Julavits
Thus Spake Zarathustra, by Friedrich Nietzsche
A gift card for Fashion
A nice copy of “The Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde”
A red skirt or dress
A working typewriter
A poem in alliterative verse about all my most despicable traits
The Pet Shop Boys movie, “It Couldn't Happen Here”
A bottle of my favorite beer, “La Maudite”
Paid LJ time which (for a limited time only) comes with 100 extra userpics!
A flat in Paris, though I’d take London, Rome or Florence too
A gazelle carcass
And lastly, what the hell, why not: world peace.