So pure and simple, but it feels so dirty...

Aug 28, 2007 02:42

The moon hides behind a tree, like a golden-skinned maiden coyly peeking out from behind a fan.

Seriously, you should've seen the moon that night. It really looked like that. What I said at the time was also probably a lot more beautiful and poetic. I should've written it down, but I promised myself I'd remember it. Now I'm not even sure if I did or not.

So much has happened, but I have so little to say about it. That, and I just don't feel like telling everyone about everything.

Things I've learned:
- No, it wasn't that I was just too young to know about any of the cool stuff. The 70's really weren't all that great.

- Once Rylie gets the idea to do something, convincing her not to do it is not something I seem to be able to do. Maybe it's impossible, or maybe I'm just not trying hard enough.

- The amount of worshipping of Alta that I do is clearly not as much as she deserves.

... And that, friends, is all you really need to know about time travel to the 1970's.

I'm sorry I've been gone and/or busy so much lately. I intend to stick around and actually be around for at least a while, but we all know how these things go.

It's good to be back.
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