I need a day off.

May 14, 2007 23:42

I am so exhausted, you have no idea. I worked 80.2 hours last week. I havn't even had time to pick up my paycheck from CP from 1 1/2 weeks ago. Thank goodness I have Thursday off.

I worked at the Railroad this weekend. It was quite interesting. I started off the weekend just being frustrated as to how things were being ran there. But after a good long chat with the TL, I think things will run much better. I feel that my first ride is in good hands with the TL. All I can say is good luck her ATLs, she's going to need it like i've never seen anyone else need it.

I'll be at Maverick through this Wednesday, then it's off to another ride I guess. Hopefully somewhere cool, I really want to jump cars at Tiques with Steve.

I love me some Heroes. The show gets more amazing with each episode. The guy who writes this stuff is my Hero, no pun intended. I need to catch up on Desperate Housewives now, i'm behind 2 episodes.
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