Mar 31, 2005 16:22
i guess i can tell you all a little about myself i have a problem with spelling and puncuation as you can see i hope none of you are english teachers :> anyway i have been married to hy husben for almost 4 years and i am still as much in love with him as i was when i met him 6 years ago and while i relize that it dose not seem like a long tim to some i cant even rember my life with out him he is my life unless i am mad at him then you know i wanna kill him not relly but he dose keep me sane and he has helped me deal with most ok all of the shit i get from my family
i come from a family of 9 kids rangeing in age from 38 to 21 and i am number 8 oh what fun that has been and it just keeps gettiong better and even though my family can be hard to live with they do mean the world to me thay are the only people that i can really count on when all is said and done thay have gone to bat for me and some of them are not blood related like the family that adoptted me as one of their own i know their my family cuz i have only ever felt that feeling of security with my family as welll as them i am not sure if i can say names on here but they know who they are
thats it for now kiss kiss hug hug