I'm getting super excited!!

Oct 04, 2005 12:01

This is my first LJ entry. Woohoo. Anyways, I am getting really excited, bc on sunday and monday i get to meet some of my bestest friends. That sounds odd doesn't it. You'd think i would have met my best friends, but in this case i haven't. Sad, i know. See the thing is, these people arent local. I met them through Diana DeGarmo's dreamteam. I have been talking to some of them for more than a year and now i have the oppurtunity to meet them. I'm sure anybody would be excited.

After reading that paragraph over, it sounds really bad that i am going to meet up with people that i have never met. What is meeting anyways. Does it alwyas have to mean meeting them in person? I mean, i pretty much know them really well. I dont think i am going to learn a whole lot more about them just by meeting them in person. I have talked to these people on the phone and through a computer mic numerous times.

To each of ya'll:
I am excited beyond words to meet ya'll. I am risking so much by coming to Shorter on sunday and monday, but it is soooooooo totally worth it. Ya'll are truly some of my best friends and I thank God for putting ya'll in my life. Maybe one day we we all get to see Diana together and not just a few here and there.

To conlude all that......My day was great but i am hungry bc i haven't eaten yet and i didnt eat much this morning bc i got to the cafe late and didnt have much time to eat my apple jacks, so yea, i'm hungry, which means this entry is over and i am going to eat lunch. :) Peace Out

~*Katie*~ aka cletus
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