Jul 29, 2005 16:10
1. Your wife is near death from cancer. There is one drug that the doctors thought might save her. A druggist in the same town has discovered it, but he is charging 10 times what the drug cost him to make. You go to everyone you know to borrow the money, but you can only get together half of what it cost. The druggists refused to sell it cheaper or let you pay later. So what do you do?
2. A trolley car is heading for a group of genius students, we will say 10 of them, who will probably change the world positively. You are at the switch. You can throw it and kill a bum who is on a different track or let it go on and kill these students. What do you do? What happens if the bum is now your son or daughter? What is your justification and how does it affect your reasoning?
3. You and your best friend are the last two people on a sinking ship in the middle of the ocean in january. Land is very far away. The lifeboat only has a spot for one more person. You have a better probability of making it to shore and surviving the cold staying on the lifeboat than your friend. Your friend gets cold easily and can't swim. They won't have any chance of survival if they try to hang on the end of the lifeboat if you go on instead. What do you do?
4. Your best friend gets a perfect score on their huge test, but you catch them cheating. This person wants to be a politician and thinks they can change the world for the better by getting involved with politics and media. You have known this person since childhood and you are really close. What will you do?
5. Your brother or sister is getting married. Your sibling also happens to be emotionally volatile, bi-polar and have serious mental instabilities that haven't shown up since your brother or sister started dating their fiance. Do you tell the potential in-law what might be a big problem in the future or do you let them figure it out on their own? Who's happiness, if anyones, are you obligated to? Do obligations precede justice? Are they one in the same - obligations and justice?