There's always a siren singing you to shipwreck..

May 23, 2008 10:16

I had two main reasons for moving into this apartment. The heat was (supposed to be) paid for, and I could get a dog.

So, the gas heater has been broken since January. We've had to use the electric heat and a space heater (we pay for electric. it was ridiculously expensive.)

And I email the landlord about the pet deposit (I've heard/seen some different amounts), and the email I get back says "I am sorry but we do not allow a pet in that particular unit."

.... WTF?

So, I'm trying to find a new place and get out of my lease for next year ><

In other news, this week marks the week when Eric and I began dating (we never could figure out a specific day, so we have an Anniversary week), four years ago. Happiness! We're going out to dinner tonight, and playing video games all day tomorrow (its video game marathon day). Setting up the SNES for some DKC2, Tetris Attack, Yoshi's Island, Earthbound, Mario RPG.... Oh, man, oh, man. Maybe some old school bomberman battles =D ..... I'm such a nerd.

Eric downloaded a Bubble Bobble ram since I'd only played Bust a Move. =D

I fell in love with a dog on Wednesday. I'm hoping he didn't get put down, if they didn't find a home or foster home they were going to have to. Animal Control is full because of that puppy mill, all those dogs are evidence so can't be fostered, adopted, or put down. Anyway, I was going to foster him until mr. pooopyhead landlord went back on what he's told me in the past. Ug. Want to move out so bad.

Chris moved in! Yay! He's off to Animazement today. I hope all of you going/there have fun!

That's it for me, I've rambled enough =D
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