Thanks to all of you zombie lovers who came out to brave the Zombie Walk from Husky Stadium on Saturday. It was by far the toughest crowd to mingle into as a Zombie that I have ever experienced. Kudos to those of you who don’t give a fuck what others think of you and brave enough to stay in character! Thank you so much for dealing with the parking hassle and the crowds to join us.
About twenty brave undead brethren made the scene and more were at the Museum of History and Industry when we returned from our jock feast. There we were in our blood and rotting flesh amidst the massive tailgate party in Husky Stadium. One man asked me if I felt uncomfortable being so outnumbered. I told him: "Yea....but that’s just it about zombies ....every time we bite one of you, you join our team!" I am not a sports fan and did not expect to see that many people and tent canopies out there! Holy Shit! It was a sea of preppy purple jerseys, folding chairs, and tailgate parties. People did not know what to make of us. They thought we were Ohio State fans or protesting something. It was very challenging to remain in character. Ohhh the characters we were though! There were some "stumbling into camp" zombies, school girl zombies, afro zombies, zombie bums, Starbucks barista zombies, a zombies who brought a severed leg to snack on and a brave zombie hunter girl with a foam bat for protection. Despite the huffy Husky crowd we did our best. I actually had a mother come chew me out for scaring a little kid. I told her that "some kid's like to be scared" and I apologized for making that particular little boy cry. I was proud of my Zombie self for acquiring 1 exquisite Asian girl scream( my favorite kind), winning a stare down contest with a thick necked blonde-haired Frat boy, and sneaking up on people which resulted in four people throwing their beer cups up in the air. Arguuuuuhhhhh! We decided to clear out when I witnessed a particularly exuberant zombie have an old woman throw a beer can at his head for getting in her space.......Ouch! No fights with drunken frat boys for me or my kin, thank you.
Then we went to the Auditorium at MOHAI via the Montlake Bridge. Nice walk, some car shaking and squabbling over the severed leg…… At the Auditorium we took some classic pictures. I'd covered my car with gut-like material in advance to set the scene and laid out a mannequin I artfully enhanced for zombie flesh eating enjoyment. There were some great pictures of that! We also staged a classic "Night of the Living Dead" type photo shoot out in a field of long dead grass outside the Museum.
You can see pictures here: free to post more pictures and comment with your experiences at any of the Seattle Zombie sites.
The films shown were varied and enjoyable, although I was unable to stay for all of them. What did y’all think of the films?
I'll post soon about the next upcomming ZOMBIE WALK in mid October.