About LJ, DW and all this mess...

Apr 09, 2017 22:57

I'm sure almost everyone has by now heard (or read) about LJ's new TOS and the concerns about them. (If not, you can read the announcement here and the new TOS here, for a breakdown of the various concerns you can simply google LJ TOS.)

I read the English version and was and still mostly am of the opinion that they are more or less like the terms of any other social media side. I have no idea about Russian law though and am also concerned about previous mass deletions/suspensions here on LJ (for more info go here).

I hope we're all just overreacting. Personally I think that you only might face deletion if you post something truly radical (e.g. glorifying terror or spreading radical hate). I should think that Russia has many much more pressing issues than checking every single entry of every single journal/community especially since there is such a wide variety of languages around here.

Nevertheless, by now I am seriously torn about what I should do. The more I read, the more I feel the paranoia. I created a Dreamwidth account years ago, that I never really used (
cleotine). I imported my LJ a few weeks back (and am thankful for that atm), so if you want to add me to your circle over there, feel free to do so (just drop a comment, tell me your LJ/DW username or how we know each other). For the time being however, I have all my entries set to private, since I sincerely hope that our fears won't come true and things will go on as before. If the worst should happen, I'll open them to public and might migrate there full time. But I'm planning to stay here as long as possible.

I have spent so much time and love here and I'd be heartbroken if I ever lost my journal. No archived version could ever replace all my memories here that span over almost seven years. I don't want to lose this place, the wonderful people I met and the dedicated members of so many wonderful communities. When MU was taken down so many years ago, the blow was hard as well, but fandom managed to survive. If push comes to shove, I hope we'll be able to do the same once more and start anew. But if I have any say in this, I hope this is one of those things that never change.😑

[Edit/Addendum]Edit/Addendum: I'm not that worried about our data going through Russian servers, because I don't think they can be worse than the NSA (or other secret services). Yes, the new TOS might make life harder for Russian people who try to voice out their opposition to the current government; it's not like I'm not aware about that. But to be fair, I have a weibo account and not really a clue what their TOS are. As far as un-free speech goes, it's not that easy to beat China and until now I never had any trouble (but I also never tried spelling Democracy there...😶).

❖ random, *open

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