Ohmiya love is everywhere (when you look for it)

Aug 31, 2016 22:00

I was watching some older episodes of Nino-san when something interesting caught my attention.

In episode #096 (o.a. 2015.10.04) they concluded the previous episode's theme "Nino-san no nan demo kikichatte!" ("Nino-san's: It's okay to ask anything!"). HSJ's Inoo Kei was participating as Sub-MC and at the opening part he was allowed to ask Nino a question:

He asks whether Nino has any friends, to which Nino first laughs and then answers that he does (albeit with a slightly~ reprimanding look, though you have to really squint to see it).

The next question is of course "Who?" and Nino's answer is:

"Kobayashi" which cracks Inoo up. He asks who that is and if my lip-reading abilities aren't failing me (for they showed the show's title at that moment), Nino replies with "tomodachi" ("a friend").

That's where I started thinking.
Kobayashi is written with the kanji for small and little wood: 小林
The opposite of 'small' is of course 'big' and the opposite of a 'little wood' is a 'field'. And if you put these two together and write it in kanji you get... 大野!! Ohno!

Which fits perfectly with the one time at Shiyagare when the staff teased Ohno that his only friend was Nino... (o.a.2015.02.28)

❖ graphics - images, ♥ ohmiya ( ^◡^)人(^◡^ ), *open

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