Nov 25, 2008 00:29
So - Question of the Day: Is watching a movie (or movies) that you know will rip and shred your heart, a form of emotional self-injury?
I just finished sitting through 3 1/2 hours of Dr. Zhivago. I have wanted to watch that movie all the way through (without large time lapses) for oh...16 some odd years now. So finally tonight I decided it was time. I had recorded it off TCM and much to my surprise there wasn't one commercial throughout the whole thing. Life was good. Well, sort of.
I guess I just needed a good boo-hoo-they-don't-live-happily-ever-after movie. Still, it feels like I put part of my heart through the ringer. *heavy sigh*
I think it's time to call it a night....Yup, 12:30 am is just a tad bit past my bedtime.