Card Shark
Genre: Slash (Cam/Daniel), Challenge, Humor
Episodes: Season Ten
Synopsis: A typical evening at Cam's.
Notes: Written for my "
A-to-Z Stargate" challenge; shakespherical requested a Daniel/Cam story to the prompt "commando", with the additional caveat that Daniel must be the one going commando!
Card Shark )
Comments 4
"Why not? It's gonna come right back off anyway."
I like Cam's idea of foreplay. :-D
Cam was pretty sure he'd played right into Daniel's hands as he slowly-but-surely lost all his clothes until he was left with nothing but his boxers.
Cam forgets that Daniel's learned A LOT from Jack. ;-D
How had he not noticed Daniel had gone commando?
He was distracted by that luscious lower lip.
Great little smut biscuit! Thanks, shakespherical!
Can't say I blame him! :D
I'll get back to you after my brabbits relinquish my mental imagery of Daniel and Cam taking it to the bedroom...
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