The SJ Fic
Rating: All Ages
Genre: Slash (Sam/Janet), Badfic/Crack!Fic, Challenge, Established Relationship, Romance
Timeline: Classic Team
Warnings: None
Summary: Who'd have ever thought I'd write this particular pairing? Inspired by some recent stories... Sam Carter finds herself daydreaming of the one she loves. SJ!
Series: None
Word Count: 392
Awards: None
Notes: There's a story behind this story...
Nyx Ro and I have a shared pet peeve (well, several, really, but this is one of the worst): the refusal of some writers to post pairings in the summaries of their stories on (aka "The Pit"). Usually when a 'fic isn't labeled, it's the result of the author simply "oops!" forgetting, and the reminder to post is acknowledged and carried out quickly.
SOME authors, however, have deluded themselves into believing that "Sam/Jack is canon", and that they have a right to not label a Sam/Jack 'fic AS a Sam/Jack 'fic because everyone should love it and embrace it just as it is.
Nyx thought it was time somebody posted an ambiguous "SJ" 'fic on FFnet that was actually Sam/Janet. Not being a femme-slasher, I wasn't sure I was the right gal for the job.
I love being wrong sometimes.
The originally summary as posted on FFnet is listed above. Some of the amusing comments received on the story may be found
Now... put yourself in the proper frame of mind to truly appreciate this story: you are a fifteen year-old fangirl with the fervent belief that Sam and Jack are destined to be together... in fact ARE together, and the meanies who run the show have yet to acknowledge that on the show. Now, while skimming through the pages of mindless drivel shippy-goodness on FFnet, you come across a summary which fits your mindset perfectly: "Sam Carter finds herself daydreaming of the one she loves. SJ!"
You open the link and prepare to enjoy yet another squee-inducing sap-fest...
The SJ Fic
There was no other explanation for it: Samantha Carter was in love.
Not being the sort to waste time with flights of fancy, she was quite astonished, one day, to find herself mesmerized with the memory of a pair of soulful, brown eyes. Those unforgettable orbs were as deep chocolate pools, the sort in which a woman could happily become immersed and never leave. Those beloved irises could lighten to a pleasant toffee shade when the kissable lips below were stretched in a broad grin, or deepen to near-black when expressing anger or sadness.
Yes, Samantha Carter was in love, and no wonder. The recipient of her affections was tough enough that even Marines were afraid to step wrongly when her heart's love was on the warpath, but could just as easily be warm and gentle, especially where children were considered. Sam's lover was also possessed of a wonderful sense of humor, with an appreciation and penchant for both absurd jokes and sharp-witted remarks.
Alas, military regulations stood in the way. Both were officers in the U.S. Air Force, and their love could never be publicly declared... not until they were retired, anyway. Sam believed-and was confident her paramour felt the same-that their relationship was one which was well worth the wait. One day, either the rules would be successfully challenged or they'd both be too old to deal with intergalactic crises, and then they'd let everyone know how much they meant to one another.
"You ready to go?"
Startled from her daydreaming, Sam looked up and smiled. "Just finishing up a few last things. We taking my bike?" Her motorcycle was her pride and joy, and only a few special people had the privilege of touching it, let alone riding it.
The wicked grin was all the answer she needed, expressing the inner speed demon within the room's newest occupant. "You know how much I love that thing," came the teasing reply.
"I do," Sam laughed. "So, what's the plan for tonight? Anything special?"
"I was thinking a candlelight dinner at home, followed by a shamelessly sappy movie and some ice cream."
"Oh, we have the house all to ourselves tonight, do we?" Sam chuckled, switching off her computer and heading out the door.
Samantha Carter was in love, but thankfully, Janet Fraiser was in love with her, too!