Nov 16, 2004 03:37
Thank God for coffee. Thank God for Starbucks' coffee. Thank God for Starbucks' Columbian Roast coffee that will be brewing in my coffee maker in a matter of hours. But all this is completely unrelated to everything. (not unlike most of what I say...)
I will have you know that this is in fact the 3rd time tonight I have returned to the computer after walking away with every intention of dragging my exausted Jan Brady-like (according to Randall) self to bed. BUUUUUUUT as it happens, the illustrious Evil Descision Maker finds she cannot sleep. So I will tell all 1 of my reader about tonight lol. As if you weren't there. Well, you weren't. HA! SO THIS DOES SERVE A PURPOSE!! BWAAHAHAHAHA. sorry. ok.
Today was long. I was supposed to meet Randall at 11 am. I don't know what that crazy boy was thinking, telling me to be somewhere by 11 AM. Keep in mind this was the EXTENDED time. I was originally coming at 10:30. And bringing Joy. Well, due to the fact that I didn't get home from a very exhausting evening until about 4 am the night before, I DID NOT wake up in time to make that. SO I get, angry, worried phone calls from both Randall AND Joy, who is (surprisingly) DAMN CHIPPER in the morning. I told Randall I would be over in about 10 minutes. Two and a half hours later, I finally got there. We eventually went back to my house with every intention of making pumpkin pie. However, my dad bought the wrong stuff, so the pies turned out tasting like COMPLETE MIERDA!!! (that's spanish. if you don't know it, look it up.)
But, besides the pies turning out crappy, I had the most relaxing, peaceful afternoon. After I dropped Joy-Joy off at work, Randall and I stopped by his school, then we went back to my house. We just chilled in the living room, Randall on the couch drifting in and out of sleep, me sitting in the easy chair knitting (YES, freaking KNITTING) to the smell of the pumpking pies baking (at least they SMELLED decent!!) I can't tell you how magical it was. Just contemplative silence, the mellow music, the chair rocking, getting to knit for the first time in a LOOONG time, getting to bake for the first time in a long time, and just BEING there with Randall, even though we weren't talking at all for hours, was sooo unbelievably perfect. It was really just what I needed.
After that, my mom got home, and I "left for Spanish". No, what actually happened was Satan talked me out of going... and I opted to go with him to Matt Lyon's work. We ended up going over to Borders, and meeting up with Nick and Matt Harris. Once "class" was over, I went with Randall and Matt to my house, where Randall talked to my mom for a while about him transfering from Independence H.S. to the charter school she works for. I think he's a bit freaked out, because I don't think he realized what a Nazi my mother can be, and her exact words were, "You have A LOT of work to do, and I can tell you where you're gonna be for the next few months if you want to graduate... CAMPED OUT AT MY KITCHEN TABLE DOING HOMEWORK!!" BLAAAAAARRRRRRRGHHHHHH (evil noises).... no jk.
Meanwhile, while Randall was getting the infamous "Lecture from Mrs. Ross", Matt Harris and I went in my room (hahaha we are so evil leaving Randall alone with her... AAAAHAHAHAHA) and we totally busted out the SUPER NINTENDO!!(on the 80s computer monitor no less, because, as some of you know, I don't have money...) After abandoning Super Mario Kart, that God-forsaken game, we settled in to the most insane game of Mario 3 Battle ever!! Oh, and get this: Randall comes in when he is done, and asks the unbelievable question, "What's Mario 3?".... then procedes to KICK MY ASS at the very game he was foreign to until tonight. I hate him. lol, nooo im jk.
Then, we went to pick up Joy from Wal-Mart. We drove around for a while (what else is new?), then we parted ways. Joy and I talked for a few hrs, like we always do lol, then I came back here, with every intention of FALLING into bed. This obviously did not happen, and I have instead been sitting here aimlessly surfing the internet eating chocolate chips.
Speaking of which, I got a job at Pizza Hut. Well, okay, that wasn't related at all, and I didn't really "get" this job. It was kind of...handed to me. One of my best friends, Ashley, works there, and when a position opened up, she put in a good word for me, and called me to tell me that I would now be working 20 hrs. a week. I was kinda like, uuum, okay! I want to see her more often, and i need the money and the staff is fun, from what i can tell. I love when life is so...easy like that. i never expressed interest, or applied, or interviewed, and yet i was hired. I love it!! It always amazes me how my life kind of HAPPENS with little or no effort on my part. Take my college, for example. I never made a single appointment to do anything to get in to college. I am openly admitting that my friends signed me up for college, made my assesment date, drove me to take the test, and again to sign up for my classes, and to my orientation, and gave me a tour of the campus, and showed me where to get my books. I need to thank Shyla, Ashley, Mom, and Matt Lyon for getting me in college. You all rock.
But seriously, my life reminds me of the Modest Mouse song, "Float On"....everything happens on it own, eventually...and usually when you would least expect it to. I'm just kinda bobbing along, with my head in the clouds, unsure of where to go and why, and yet i see myself moving forward, day by day. My parents both don't think I will ever make it in regards to my aspirations to be a cardiologist because I am so easily distracted, but I have to disagree simply from the standpoint that I feel if life keeps going the way it has so far, I will become a doctor, almost on accident. LOL, that is such a dumb mindset, i know, but I guess I am really laid back as far as where I end up, as long as I am sure that is where I am supposed to be. I am a huge believer in destiny, and I believe that we end up exactly where we need to be at any given moment, and we simply have a choice to be a willing or unwilling participant in the great plan of life.
And on that note, I will end this abruptly, because I can. CALL ME AT PIZZA HUT!!! I work 5-9 Tuesdays, Thursdays, and weekends. (916)773-3200. Just press "0" to get away from the automated system. "Well, I've had about enough fun for one night, what do you say we pack it up and head on outta here!"
- a very tired Jenn